Projected Economic Impact of the Potential Redevelopment Development Project at the Hennepin Plant Site:

~$70 M

Invested at Plant

24 MW

64 Total Direct, Indirect & Induced Full-Time Jobs Created in the Local Community

$5.5 M in Earnings for Local Workers & 7.5 M Boost for the Local County Economy

Up to 115% Increase In Property Taxes From Plant to Local Goverments


Status: Pre-submission diligence, engineering and review

Expected Construction Mobilization:  TBD

Time to Complete Construction: 12 – 18 months

Estimated Commercial Operations Date: TBD


Status: Pre-submission diligence, engineering and review

Expected Construction Mobilization:  TBD

Time to Complete: 12 – 18 months

Estimated Commercial Operations Date: TBD